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Enhancing social care access for the South Asian community: Report released


Accessing social care services is crucial for ensuring the well-being and quality of life of individuals across communities. However, for the South-Asian community in Barking and Dagenham, navigating these services can present unique challenges related to culture, language, and religious beliefs. In response to the challenges, we have conducted a comprehensive study to identify key issues and propose recommendations to improve access to social care for the South-Asian community.


Understanding the Challenges:


The study revealed several barriers the South-Asian community faces when accessing social care. These barriers include language barriers, lack of cultural understanding among service providers and concerns regarding religious and dietary needs not being adequately addressed. Stigma surrounding social care utilization and uncertainties about service provisions were also highlighted as significant concerns.


Key Findings:


  • Language barriers hinder effective communication and access to services.
  • Religious and dietary needs are often overlooked, leading to dissatisfaction and discomfort among service users.
  • Lack of cultural competence among service providers contributes to misunderstandings and inadequate support.
  • Stigma associated with social care utilisation poses a barrier to accessing necessary support.
  • Uncertainty about service provisions, including adaptations, finances and residential options, adds to challenges faced by service users.

We proposed a set of recommendations aimed at addressing these challenges and ensuring fair access to social care for the South-Asian community, which can be found by downloading the report below.

Improving access to social care for the South-Asian community requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses language, culture, and religious considerations. By implementing these recommendations, Adult Social Care services can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that everyone has access to the care and support they need for a better quality of life.

To read the full report along with the response from the provider click the link below to download it.




Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS