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Your spotlight on local services

Have your say about health visiting services in Barking and Dagenham


The health visiting service provides a community public health service to children, young people and their families with a focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as promotes physical, emotional and social wellbeing, according to NELFT NHS Foundation Trust. However, the latest annual health visiting survey that has been completed by 1,291 practitioners from across the UK has revealed that coronavirus pandemic and staff shortages have left health visiting services extremely stretched and that only the “tip of the iceberg of need is being met for some families”. As a result, for many families routine health and development reviews, that are mandated by the government, have not been carried out. Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham wants to ensure people are offered the best possible experience when using health visiting services in the borough, which is why we are conducting the Health Visiting survey. If you would like to contribute by sharing your views, you can participate in the survey by opening this link Health Visiting Survey (jotform.com). If you do not want to complete the survey but still wish to share your views with us you can do so by emailing us info@healthwatchbarkinganddagenham.co.uk or calling our telephone number 0800 298 5331.



Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS