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Your spotlight on local services

What would you do!


In collaboration with seven other Healthwatchs across the Central North East London STP area, Barking and Dagenham carried out a consultation on three aspects of the Long Term Plan – Prevention, Personalisation and Primary Care. The consultation was called What would you do. 


Across the patch, Healthwatchs engaged with over 1,200 people – Healthwatch Barking &Dagenham accounted for 25% of the feedback, engaging with 337 people.


We produced a local report detailing what local people told us and this was sent to senior level stakeholders at the Clinical Commissoning Group (CCG) and Local Authority.  We have received references to the report from the CCG lead clinician in consideration of a merging of local GP practices and the findings of the report were raised by the chair at the most recent Health and Wellbeing Board. 


These findings have also been used by the East London Healthcare Partnership to influence their thinking on how services could be delivered in the area going forward and by Healthwatch England as part of the national engagement.


We will keep you updated as this piece of work progresses. 

Please read the full report to find out more about what residents told us! 


What would you do report


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS