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Your spotlight on local services

News and Blogs

  • Healthwatch influences North East London Local Maternity and Neonatal System Equity and equality strategy

    Posted by Ruby on 02/05/2023 in News

    Healthwatch influences North East London Local Maternity and Neonatal System Equity and equality strategy East London has the highest birth rate in the United Kingdom. Our health-care systems must adjust to this while continuing to provide the greatest possible outcomes for mothers and babies. Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham worked with...

  • Trouble sleeping? Understand sleep problems and improve your sleep.

    Posted by Ruby on 26/04/2023 in Blogs

    Nationally people are reporting either not having enough sleep or not sleeping at all. For example, 67% of UK adults have disrupted sleep and 31% reported that they have insomnia. [1] We took a quick look at what studies are telling us, Direct Line group [2] found that 14% of...

  • Going the extra mile for vulnerable members of the community

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 15/03/2023 in News

    As part of our work here at Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham, we often assist with providing information and signposting where possible. Sometimes we support residents who face barriers that are difficult for them to overcome on their own – they may have vulnerabilities or underlying health problems. They also may...

  • Introducing our newest organizational members

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 16/02/2023 in News

    Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham is growing and as part of this process we want to build and develop relationships with various organizations and services. A vital part of our role is to reach people from different backgrounds and communities so that we can use their voice and experience to shape...

  • Improving access to support for Long Covid patients

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 02/02/2023 in News

    Healthwatch Barking & Dagenham, Redbridge, Havering and North East London Foundation Trust Long Covid service collaborated to research the experience of local people who have Post-Covid-19. The report was produced in partnership with the Long Covid Clinic at King George Hospital (jointly managed between Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospital...

  • Is your child`s educational journey supported? An overview of Education, Health and Care Plans.

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 01/02/2023 in Blogs

    Is your child`s educational journey supported? An overview of Education, Health and Care Plans. Education, Health and Care Pathway is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s aged up to 25 special educational needs, the support they need, and the results they would like to achieve. Special...

  • How are we doing on choice in maternity care?

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 12/01/2023 in News

    Healthwatch is working with NHS North East London and Maternity Voices Partnerships to develop a better understanding of the choices women and pregnant people are making when it comes to antenatal care. When it comes to using maternity services, NHS North East London want to ensure all women and pregnant...

  • Quarterly Feedback Report October 2022 - December 2022

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 04/01/2023 in News

    Our latest quarterly feedback report is out - you can read it by downloading the document.

  • What are your thoughts on assisted dying/assisted suicide?

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 08/12/2022 in News

    ***Trigger warning: This article and website links frequently mention assisted dying and suicide*** The Health and Social Care Committee launches a new inquiry to examine different perspectives in the debate on assisted dying/assisted suicide. The inquiry will explore the arguments across the debate with a focus on the healthcare aspects...

  • How do I get to see my GP face to face?

    Posted by AgnePilkauskiene on 24/11/2022 in News

    When we are out and about in the community, one of the most common things we hear Barking and Dagenham residents say is how difficult and time consuming it has become to get a face-to-face GP appointment. It is evident that Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated access problems in general practice...

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS