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Your spotlight on local services

News and Blogs

  • London Ambulance Service: Londoners asked to help ease pressure on their ambulance service

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 29/09/2014 in News

    News release - 17th September 2014 Londoners asked to help ease pressure on their ambulance service People who call London Ambulance Service with minor injuries or illnesses will not be sent an emergency ambulance as it tries to reach its most seriously ill and injured patients within eight minutes. While...

  • Mental Health Day - Online Needs Assessment

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 29/09/2014 in News

    As well as the event on 10th October at the Barking Learning Centre (see under our 'Events') you may be interested in contributing to the Mental Health Needs Assessment for the borough of Barking and Dagenham. You can do so online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C6TCXBX until the 7 th October.

  • 'Prevention is Better than Cure'

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 23/09/2014 in News

    You will find here the winter wellness advice that is in this week’s local paper, including the editorial from inside the paper so that we can all make better use of our local pharmacies and keep healthy this winter! There are vouchers inside the back cover below.

  • Quality and Regulation London Lay Representative Appointment Opportunities

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/09/2014 in News

    Full details are attached, these are paid positions, and further information and full details of the application process can be found at this link: http://www.lpmde.ac.uk/lpmde/work-for-us/layrepresentatives . Lay Representatives use their skills and experience as a member of the community to commit to working to, and encouraging within the organisation, the...

  • London Ambulance Service and Mental Health and Dementia Service Users

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 01/09/2014 in News

    The London Ambulance Service are keen to consider the views of patients and service users when developing their future plans. This year they are focusing in particular on mental health service users and patients with dementia. They would be very grateful if you could take some time to fill in...

  • New GMC Consultation on Sanctions Guidance and the Role of Apologies and Warnings

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 22/08/2014 in News

    On Friday 22 August, the General Medical Council (GMC) are launching a major review of the guidance used to decide what action should be taken against doctors who do not meet professional standards. We encourage you to respond or get involved in this important work. This is the guidance used...

  • Healthwatch B&D welcomes Inaugural Neurological Patient Experience Survey

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 21/08/2014 in News

    The Neurological Alliance has launched its inaugural neurological patient experience survey . The survey is the first of its kind for the neurological community. It aims to collect vital information about the experiences of care received by people affected by neurological conditions and help us to understand how much progress...

  • Making Health and Social Care Information Accessible: Launch of Consultation

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 21/08/2014 in News

    Making Health and Social Care Information Accessible: Launch of Consultation on the Draft Accessible Information Standard (follow up on News Items dated (12/08/2014)). NHS England has committed to the development and implementation of a new ‘accessible information standard.’ The standard aims to establish a clear and consistent framework, and provide...

  • Commissioning Recommendations for Psychological Support: Focussing on London’s Diabetes Care Pathway

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 21/08/2014 in News

    The London Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network has developed a guide, 'Commissioning Recommendations for Psychological Support – Focussing on London’s Diabetes Care Pathway' (see below), to provide recommendations for commissioners in providing emotional and psychological support on the diabetes care pathway. The report has been shaped from information gathered from...

  • Online Launch of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Case Summaries

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 21/08/2014 in News

    From 19th August 2014, for the first time ever, members of the public and service providers are able to go online to see the types of complaints the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has investigated. The link to the case summaries is here . The summaries of the complaints relate...

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS