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News and Blogs

  • Patient and Public Voice and Lay Member roles in Specialised Commissioning

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 03/11/2015 in News

    NHS England is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our healthcare services. Every level of our commissioning system needs to be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services to inform service development. There are...

  • King George Elective Care Centre

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 02/09/2015 in News

    Barking, Havering, Redbridge University Trust (BHRUT) were awarded the contract to run the Elective Care Centre at King George Hospital. A dispute by Care UK – who previously held the contract – has been raised concerning the selection process for the contract. This is being investigated by Monitor and is...

  • Carer Case Studies Needed

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 20/08/2015 in News

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. They register, monitor and inspect services to make sure they provide safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care, and they encourage them to improve. There are an estimated six million carers across England...

  • CQC Quality Summit for BHRUT

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 17/07/2015 in News

    The Care Quality Commission held a Quality Summit on the 30 th June 2015 - it was confirmed there that the Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospital Trust (BHRUHT) was rated overall as requiring improvement. The Trust will remain in ‘special measures’ and is subject to a targeted CQC re-inspection...

  • London Antenatal and Newborn Screening Commissioning Board Recruitment

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 26/06/2015 in News

    NHS England are seeking to recruit patient/public representatives for the London Antenatal and Newborn Screening Commissioning Board. Attached for your information, is the NHS England advert for the positions and a description of the representatives role.

  • London Ambulance Service Opportunities

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 22/05/2015 in News

    The London Ambulance Service is leading on a new research project and they are seeking members to join the patient and public panel. The project involves data sharing with hospitals to better understand what happens to patients once they are taken to hospital by ambulance. The project is set to...

  • Mental Health Taskforce

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/05/2015 in News

    In March 2015, NHS England announced a new Mental Health Taskforce which will develop a five year national strategy for mental health, covering all ages. The strategy will align to the Five Year Forward View and will be informed by a wide range of lived experience and professional expertise. They...

  • 'Reducing Premature Mortality: the Role of Community Pharmacies'

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 09/03/2015 in News

    Please find a link here from the Royal Society of Public Health on its latest publication ‘Reducing premature mortality: the role of community pharmacies’. This is a key issue for NHS England, Public Health, CCGs, patients and their carers as well as the health and social care workforce.

  • Recruiting patients for a new diabetic user panel

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 23/02/2015 in News

    NHS England (London) is currently re-designing the way diabetic eye screening services are delivered across the capital. We are now looking for people interested in this area to be part of a new user panel which will meet up to 4 times to help shape redesigning the service. This is...

  • Improving Access to Psychological Therapy

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 23/02/2015 in News

    North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) is asking you to look after your mental health by contacting its talking therapies service if you are experiencing depression or anxiety disorders such as: panic attacks anxiety excessive worry phobias post-traumatic stress disorder agoraphobia obsessive compulsive disorder stress relationship difficulties There are...

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS