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News and Blogs

  • NHS 111 First

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 27/10/2020 in News

    Londoners to get NHS urgent and emergency care in the right place, at the right time with 111 First How people access parts of emergency care in London is changing, with ‘111 First’ helping them to get the right care, in the right place, more quickly. All Londoners are being...

  • Improve hospital discharge now before winter to manage second peak of Covid-19, warn Red Cross and Healthwatch England

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 27/10/2020 in News

    New report shows patients grateful to hard working doctors, nurses and care staff for continuing to deliver compassionate care in difficult circumstances. But investigation into new hospital discharge processes shows significant proportion (82%) of patients surveyed did not receive a follow-up visit after discharge and almost one in five of...

  • State of Care

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 17/10/2020 in News

    The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC’s) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year. This includes the period before the full impact of COVID-19 began to be felt and CQC’s routine inspections were suspended as a result...

  • Case Studies: Music therapy group to combat social isolation

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    Barking & Dagenham Memory Service has been working with music therapist John Wallis, from the charity Nordoff-Robbins, since 2016. The Covid-19 pandemic lead to the suspension of the much-loved Friday Music Therapy group at Broad Street Health Centre. So we started a weekly online music therapy group, to combat the...

  • Case Study: Creative English Sessions improving mental health and wellbeing

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    The Creative English team run sessions for people with little or no English to build their confidence and language skills for everyday situations like talking to neighbours, doctors, teachers, shop assistants and landlords. The isolation which can occur when you move away from familiar support networks, combined with the feelings...

  • Case Study: Community Resources Mens Group making a difference during Covid

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    Greg Greg was introduced to Community Resources through BD Connect. He was lonely and isolated, living alone and had experienced some physical and mental health difficulties. After receiving a few weekly phone calls from one our team members, he was invited to the Men’s Group, which takes place at The...

  • Case Study: Perspective of Brian Tunney on what helped him improved his mental health and wellbeing

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    My name is Brian Tunney and I have lived in Dagenham for 30 years. I was an alcoholic for several years, I tried everything to keep off the drink including a detox, but nothing worked, until January 2017 I woke up one morning and realised that there is more to...

  • Case Study: St Luke’s Adult Drug & Alcohol Service

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    Partnership Working through Covid 19 Barking & Dagenham BDAATBIT (B&D Access, Assessment & Brief Intervention Team) and St Luke’s Service meet monthly for joint case working. Both teams are working together to support those with Substance Misuse and Mental Health concerns. For our clients who have lost loved ones during...

  • Case Study: Carers of Barking & Dagenham

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 08/10/2020 in News

    Supporting Carers with their Mental Health and wellbeing during the Covid Pandemic The Carers Hub have continued during this pandemic to operate business as usual, we have remained open to carers and as a front line service to the community we have supported thousands of carers. Over the lockdown it...

  • Tell Healthwatch England about your experience of leaving hospital during COVID-19

    Posted by HWBDAdmin on 19/08/2020 in News

    During the Coronavirus pandemic, the usual processes that hospitals follow to discharge people from their care changed to help free up beds. While this has helped the NHS manage the demand created by Coronavirus, Healthwatch England are keen to know how this is working for patients and their loved ones...

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS