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Your spotlight on local services

BLOG:Why Volunteer? The benefits


You may be thinking what will I gain from volunteering? Why should I volunteer for Healthwatch? Well, you may not realise what the benefits of volunteering are!

They’re HUGE by the way – much bigger than you think – for you, your family and your local community. Research has shown that the right volunteering opportunity can help you to: reduce stress levels, find friends, learn new skills, reach out to the local community… or even advance your career!

According to helpguide.org, giving to others can also make you feel healthier and happier in four different ways:

  1. Volunteering connects you to others
  2. Volunteering is good for your mind and body
  3. Volunteering can advance your career
  4. Volunteering brings fun and fulfilment to your life

Volunteering with us, will give you a great opportunity to meet new people. Through our work we find out whether local health and social care services are meeting the needs and demands of local people!  You will not only get a chance to speak to all sorts of people, you will also get to meet other volunteers and staff. The beauty of it is, that you will be working with local people and providers, so you won’t need to travel far to make new friends.

Evidence also shows that volunteering is really good for your mental health.  The Mental Health Organisation says “doing good does good” and they actually share evidence of this in a guide they have produced, the guide shows the positive impact that helping others can have on your own mental health. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/doing-good-does-you-good

So far we have: good mental health and meeting new people. What about your career? If you’re looking at a future job in health and care, our volunteering programme will give you chance to develop skills such as researching, communication and seeing how the health and care system works. Sounds great right? So something to add to your CV and an opportunity to gain some insight.

We even offer to pay for your travel expenses, (bear in mind that this is dependent on how many hours you volunteer with us for) so don’t let being strapped for cash stop you from getting involved, where there’s a will there is a way!

Finally, we do everything we can to make volunteering with us a fulfilling experience. And of course we hope that you will find it fun too! We have a number of different roles and you can try new things, stretch yourself, or start with something you feel very comfortable with. Whatever you decide, we will provide all the training and equipment you need. Why not get in touch and see what we can offer you?.

If you are wondering ‘what could I offer?’ Well, we’ve found that everyone has something to offer as well as something that they would like to benefit from that would help them!  As long as you are open to talk to the local community and keen to capture what they are saying we are open to have you come and volunteer with us!

We offer an introduction session and training for all the roles, so don’t worry - we have a good support system to ensure you have an enjoyable volunteering experience with us!

There are a number of ways you can contact us! Don’t delay call us today!

Email: Manisha.Modhvadia@healthwatchbarkinganddagenham.co.uk

Telephone: 0800 298 5331

Twitter: HealthwatchBD

Facebook: HealthwatchBD

Website www.healthwacthbarkinganddagenham.co.uk


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS