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Your spotlight on local services

Listening Event with Matthew Hopkins, Chief Executive of BHRUT


Matthew Hopkins, the Chief Executive of BHRUT and other senior staff came to Wood Lane Baptist Church in Dagenham on 20th October 2014 to meet and engage with local people to listen to their views and experiences of using services at King George and Queens hospitals.

The event was attended by 20 members of the public who initially listened to presentations from BHRUT and Healthwatch B&D. After this there were break out sessions to different topic themed tables and the opportunity for a question and answer session with Matthew Hopkins and his senior staff.

These are some of the comments from the public:

The Highlights...

Nice to know you want to listen and improve’

Being able to put my experiences across’

'The opportunity to be heard’


How Future Engagement Events Could Be Improved...

‘More time to share stories and comments’

'Probably need to do these events in the evening so that more residents who live in the area can also attend’

‘Make use of more publicity – inform local resident associations and other associations about events’

‘Not a lot I think that it was a valuable experience and I hope more to follow’


Other Comments...

‘An excellent way of communicating and networking’

‘Hope Matthew is going to instil compassion throughout the departments not just the Cancer Department’

'I do want to come to more!’


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS