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Your spotlight on local services

BLOG:Who Knows 2018; You said we did!


Healthwatch Annual Survey!


You said we did


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham believe it is only by listening to people who use the services that we can determine where improvements can be made and use this information to hold services to account. But how do we know if we are having a real impact and that as a local network we are making a difference?

To ensure that we are constantly improving and delivering a good service, we undertake an annual survey. The aims of the survey are to find out:

  • How well we are doing and how we can improve.
  • The difference we have made to local people
  • If people are aware of the services we offer
  • What areas of work the local community want us to focus on?



Last year we spoke to over 250 people. This is what we did with your feedback!


The findings from the survey highlighted that there is little awareness among the public about the role of Healthwatch. People indicated that Healthwatch should have an appearance at a number of places across the borough.


What we did:  To raise the profile of Healthwatch in the community, the Healthwatch team have been out and about every week to the places which were highlighted by local people, including leisure centres, supermarkets and council events. Watch out for us as we come to a place near you – and if you have a tip-off as to where we should go, please let us know!


We are also holding coffee mornings in different wards each month. This is to let the public know what we do and how you can get involved. If you do see us, please do come and find out more.


People highlighted that they use Twitter and Facebook so we have also continued to use social media ensuring that we are sharing health and care news, consultations and events. We are also using social media to provide information about local services and share our achievements and the impact we have had.


People told us that they were unhappy with access to local GPs and Mental Health was also an area which was highlighted.

What we did: This year our two big projects are “Access to GP services” and “Mental Health and social isolation”.


Local people told us they were unaware that Healthwatch offered a signposting service.


What we did: The Healthwatch Team have worked on a clear and precise message which is being used to let people know that we offer a free signposting service. (Our number is 0845 094 6350 please do get in touch)


We also have a signposting section on the website.


We are also providing training to all our volunteers to ensure they have up to date information on local services to share with the public.



What now?


This month we are launching “Who Knows 2018” we are keen to hear your views on how you think we are doing and if we have made a difference in the world of health and care.


Your voice does make a difference and is incorporated into our work plan, so take a few minutes and share what you think!


You can find our survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BDHWresidents2018


If you require a hard copy of the survey please email info@healthwatchbarkinganddageham.co.uk or call us on 0800 298 5331



Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS