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Your spotlight on local services

COVID Vaccinations for 12 - 15 Year Olds

Date: 11 Nov 2021 - 11:00 to 12:00
Location: Zoom Online

COVID Vaccinations for 12 - 15 Year Olds

The UK's chief medical officers have recommended a single Pfizer dose for all 12 to 15-year-olds.

So far the programme in England has been delivered through schools, but from half term, teenagers will also be able to have their jab at an existing vaccination centre.

Not every site will be able to treat children immediately, so families may not be able to go to their nearest centre. Appointments have to be booked in advance online, once the child's parents have received a letter seeking their permission. Children will have to consent again at the time of the jab.

Early indications have suggested that Barking and Dagenham has the lowest uptake in England for this option.

As a parent, what is your view about your child having the vaccination?

What are the positives and negatives in your opinion?

Does the information about this option enable you to have a full and frank discussion with your children about choices they might consider?


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham invites you to join the discussion on these and other burning issues you might have about this - why not register and come along!

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS